July 4, 2020
9:30 pm / 1:30 am
Sportsterz Bar and Grill
5422 Lake Road E
WELCOME TO THE FILLBILLY REVOLUTION! The band pulls out all the stops when it comes to playing and rolls over every crowd like a ROCK-N-ROLL STEAM ROLLER! Band members look like they come from a scene out’a the 1970’s film, Deliverancewith a touch of Hillbilly ROCKSTAR! THF play everything…the classics to current! Many of The Huckin Fillbilly’s influences shine through their music. The bands that influenced them the most are Aerosmith, Motley Crue, AC/DC, and anything that has power and groove!
TheHuckin’ Fillbillys genuinely enjoy dishin’ out some great ass kickin’ jams and draw each and everyperson into their show! The Fillbillys are just the gracious BEER CHUGGIN’…FIREBALL SLAMMIN’…TRASHTALKIN’…ASS KICKIN’…HELL RAISIN’ hosts! COME’N GET’CHA SOME!! H